
Bethany's middle school prides itself on its uniquely intimate and safe environment that is unrivaled at other institutions. At Bethany, every child is individually known and shepherded. Building on the solid academic foundation of the elementary years, students are introduced to a small corps of subject-area specialist teachers dedicated to preparing our graduates for the area's most competitive high schools. 

Our language arts program emphasizes the development of reading, writing and critical thinking skills. Various forms of literature (e.g. novels and poetry) are explored via novel studies and individual reports, and our students are instructed in the art of writing a research paper. Bethany offers both grade-level and advanced math courses for every middle school grade, including the option of taking Algebra I for high school credit. In social studies classes, students learn the important lessons and implications of world history, American history, and civics. In our science classes, they will enjoy an inquiry-based, hands-on approach to learning about our world in science class. In addition, Bethany partners with Florida Virtual School (FLVS) to offer advanced classes to enrolled students.

Each year, Bethany's graduates are accepted to the high schools of their choice, including American Heritage, Calvary Christian Academy, Cardinal Gibbons, Pine Crest, St. Thomas Aquinas, University School, Westminster Academy, and prestigious magnet programs in our area's public high schools.

Bethany utilizes a wide range of secular and Christian curriculum for its students' needs, including such well-known names as Harcourt-Brace, Zearn Math, McGraw-Hill, Scott Foresman, the Institute for Excellence in Writing, and Glencoe. Textbooks and materials for every subject are reviewed in five-year cycles, with a different subject reviewed every year to ensure a systematic acquisition of the most up-to-date curriculum available. Guidance for BCS benchmarks and standards is derived by comparisons with other schools and from Florida's Sunshine State standards.

Below are highlights from Bethany's middle school academic program:


Middle School


  • Grade 6 focuses on Earth Science
  • Grade 7 focuses on Life Science
  • Grade 8 focuses on Physical Science

We use BJU science curriculum and lab books to facilitate a Christ-centered learning experience. All science classes engage in hands-on science labs, the teaching of scientific thinking and processes, science fair projects, and local field trips.

  • Circular Review based curriculum.
  • Differentiated Learning helps students comprehend and assimilate problematic information.
  • Grade levels progress through the Number System, Algebra, and Statistics and Probability.
  • Advanced classes offered at every middle school grade level, including Algebra I for 8th grade.
Language Arts
  • Engagement in Writers’ and Readers’ Workshops for rigorous, student-led growth in integrated language arts.
  • Composition, including the writing process, descriptive writing, narrative writing, expository writing, and persuasive writing.
  • Developing style and voice through application of grammar, usage, and mechanics.
  • Analysis of novels, short stories, plays, and poetry.
  • Resources and skills, including library and reference resources, vocabulary, test-taking, listening and speaking, and electronic sources.
Social Studies
  • Grade 6 focuses on Ancient Civilizations
  • Grade 7 focuses on U.S. History
  • Grade 8 focuses on Civics

Throughout middle school Bible classes, students will study the major stories and themes of the Old and New Testament as Christian Scripture. Students will be taught to see the Bible as a unified narrative centered upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Upon completion of the courses, students should be able to:

  • Outline the basic history and storyline of the Old and New Testament.
  • Explain how all of Scripture relates to Jesus Christ
  • Identify major Biblical themes.
  • Define “the gospel” and explain why it is good news for us.
  • Offer thoughtful reflections about life from a Christian perspective.

Middle school students get to choose from a wide range of electives. Elective offerings may vary from year to year according to student interest and instructor talents, but the following courses are offered during this school year:

  • Beginners' Spanish
  • Critical Thinking & Study Skills
  • Drama / Improv
  • Graphic Design I & II
  • Health and Fitness
  • Debate & Speech
  • Critical Thinking: An Introduction to Middle School Strategies
  • Performing Arts (drama)
  • Theater Craft
  • Historical Fiction and Historical Film
  • Textile Art
  • Lego Robotics

Bethany's middle school offers a variety of musical theater and art offerings as well as a Student Council and National Junior Honor Society.

Middle School Teachers

Specials Teachers

