Features Overview

Bethany offers a broad range of academic enrichment opportunities for its students, such as the National Junior Honor Society, the Presidential Award for Academic Excellence, online Florida Virtual School courses, and the Broward County Non-Public School Association's Pinnacle Awards. BCS students have routinely excelled in local science and history (National History Day) fairs.

The following enrichment classes (i.e. "specials") are available to Bethany's students during the school day: 


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Preschool and elementary students enjoy weekly visits to the library. Our colorfully designed media center offers a range of thousands of books and reference materials updated yearly, and our fully automated digital library (Destiny Quest from Follett) assists in the circulation, search, and administration of these resources.  The library also hosts an annual book fair and the Celebration Book program throughout the school year, all of which promote and celebrate our students’ love of reading outside the classroom and help to expand and diversify our shelves.

  • PRESCHOOL: Students participate in weekly story times accompanied by puppetry, song, and finger play to foster early literacy skills, basic book concepts, and the love of reading.

  • ELEMENTARY: In the lower grades, students continue to enjoy weekly read-alouds with diverse illustrated literature aimed at cultivating basic to intermediate literary concepts and biblical fluency, in addition to deepening the sense of tradition and legacy through storytelling. In upper grades, students participate in novel studies and author studies, and begin to explore more advanced literary concepts to inspire personal, real-world, and biblical connections. Both lower and upper grades are also provided time to browse the library and check out books.

  • MIDDLE SCHOOL: Students may utilize the library as a resource for book reports, research, or curriculum supplementation.


Physical Education

In addition to daily time for recess, our preschool and elementary students will benefit from physical education (P.E.) classes. These classes offer students an introduction to health & fitness training and major sports. Our P.E. program also includes unique activities to reinforce classroom curriculum. Students are exposed to activities that aim to improve their fine & gross motor skills, coordination, core strength, and reflexes. 

Competition and physical training can play a crucial role in the development of a child. In addition to our sports programs, which are offered to both elementary and middle school students, our P.E. classes are structured to provide character development, personal health & hygiene curriculum, and fitness training.  

P.E. classes are held inside Bethany's air-conditioned gymnasium. During cooler months, Bethany's outdoor courts are utilized and enjoyed. In the spring, all students (grades K-8) will participate in our annual Game Day. Bethany is a participate in the Presidential Physical Fitness Program. 


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All preschool and elementary students receive Spanish instruction each week from a dedicated teacher as part of the regular curriculum. As one of the few area schools to offer foreign language instruction at every grade-level, this provides our students with exposure to foreign cultures, reinforces vocabulary via shared Latin roots, and offers an academic advantage over other schools.

  • PRESCHOOL: Students will learn colors, family members, numbers, days of the week, animals, parts of the body, and more. Manipulatives and bilingual books are extensively used at this level.

  • ELEMENTARY: Students will begin to focus on greetings, common expressions, classroom objects, numbers 1-50, states of being, colors, shapes, days of the week, weather, months, clothing items, and Spanish culture. Basic grammar and sentence structure are also covered at this level.

  • MIDDLE SCHOOL: Students may opt to take advanced Spanish electives. They will focus on increasing vocabulary and grammar skills with an aim toward basic conversational fluency, enhanced dictation, and an expanded knowledge of the various Spanish speaking countries and cultures.


All BCS classrooms are networked and offer technology for student use (iPads & Chromebooks). Our Typing program helps students in 4th and 5th grade acquire strong keyboarding skills, which are continually reinforced in subsequent grades.

Elementary students receive age-appropriate instruction on Microsoft Office as well as Google Suite. The curriculum emphasizes the importance of online privacy & safety, the basics of graphic design, editing, online research, and the creation of multimedia presentations.


Fine Arts

Bethany offers an excellent visual and performing arts program from the preschool level through eighth grade. Our fine arts classes allow students to stretch their imagination and creativity through visual arts, choral and instrumental training, as well as backstage and on-stage performance.

Students build communication and collaboration skills while working in the fine arts department. Students have weekly fine arts courses (art, music, drama) courses aimed at expanding their interests, imagination, and skill sets. Our team of trained teachers facilitate project based learning, promoting students to self-exploration and develop an appreciation of the fine arts.